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8 Genuinely Funny Things You Didn’t Know About inFlow

Posted by inFlow InventoryLast Updated May 29th, 2024
— 4 minutes reading

inFlow is turning eight this year, EIGHT! We’re excited about this milestone, and while looking into the number eight we found an interesting coincidence. The number 8 is a Fibonacci number and the next one is 13! As in the day in November, 2007 that inFlow was released! Neat!

Okay, that was a bit of a stretch. But here are eight genuinely funny things you never knew about inFlow Inventory, and the team behind it.

8. Our first demo video is…well, you’ll see.

Missed our first demo video when we re-posted it last year? You shouldn’t! You can check it out below and laugh along with us. This is our version of that haircut you had in middle school that’s so funny you just have to show your friends, y’know, now that you’re older and cooler.

7. Our very first website looked like this:

Pictured: inFlow Website, circa 2008

6. The inFlow team loves food. Like A LOT.

We love food a lot (we’ve even written a blog about it) and the community seems to have caught on. In fact, over the years we’ve come into our office to discover some pretty interesting shipments. A giant cookie with our logo on it, Salt Water Taffy, Individually wrapped designer chocolates, the list goes on.

Untitled design
Pictured: Chocostyle, Zelda’s Kosher Gourmet. Zeno’s Boardwalk Sweet Shop,

Wondering what the funny part is? Well if you could see the looks on our faces….

5. Sometimes, you use what you’ve got.

Just before the release of v3 we decided it was time to introduce members of the inFlow team and let them explain what all the fuss was about. To keep things fresh and timely, we filmed the video ourselves, interviewing team members to get a first-hand look at the changes coming your way. In the process, we decided it was important to show the team in action, but we didn’t have a camera dolly.

Enter: the radiator on wheels!


This shot was created by mounting the camera on top of the radiator and rolling it across the office. Because we like to get creative over here 🙂

4. Finding inFlow “in the wild”

Because the inFlow community spans over 800,000 businesses in 120+ countries, it’s not very often that we run into customers unintentionally (though it does happen). We call this discovering “inFlow in the wild” and it always generates a lot of excitement.

In one case, one of our co-founders wandered into our favourite boardgame store and discovered the store had made the switch to inFlow.

The best part? When he got to tell them we were LOCATED DOWN THE HALL!

3. Speaking of things that include “8” remember the Windows 8 Logo Contest?

We like to keep things lighthearted whenever we can. So in early 2012, just in time for the launch of Microsoft’s (then) latest version of Windows, we decided to have some fun. We set out to find some good alternatives to the official Windows 8 logo and the results got pretty interesting….

2. We have our very own mascot (sort of).

Many years ago, a bright yellow volleyball came to live in our office. We named him Wilson (as you do) and he’s graced our team with his vibrant smile and quiet charm ever since. He’s even managed to insert himself into a video or two:

Pictured: “Journey to v3” from

1. inFlow’s very first sale prompted a 3am wake up call.

“Way back when we released the first version of inFlow in 2007, Louis (our other co-founder) called me at 3am to tell me we’d sold our first copy of inFlow. I’m not going to lie, we were so happy we each got drunk alone (together?) in our respective homes that night.” -Stephen Fung, CTO (co-founder).

Thank you!

Whew! Eight years is a long time but we’re excited for next eight (and the eight after that, and the eight after that….) Thank you for being a huge part of why we love coming to work.


Not part of the community yet but looking to get yourself organized?  It’s time to try inFlow Inventory. Download a free copy of the software to get started today!