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Competition Winner!

Posted by inFlow InventoryLast Updated May 29th, 2024
— 2 minutes reading

Congratulations to the lucky winner of our “Talk & Win Survey Contest” Vicki Klein of Thermasource Cementing Inc.

Earlier this month we asked our customers to complete a brief survey as part of our continued search to improve our software and the customer experience we offer. Vicki was chosen at random from the hundreds of people who took part –  She wins $100 in gift certificates.

Thermasource Cementing Inc is part of Thermasource group, a worldwide leader in Geothermal drilling and consulting. It was recently recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in the North Bay area.

Based in Arbuckle, California. 40 miles north of Sacramento its perfectly situated near the geysers and geothermal fields in Nevada where it conducts much of its business.

Thermasource specifically purchased inFlow in September “09 to specifically track incoming ingredient deliveries and enable better managed transfers between job sites. Office Manager Vicki, is one of seven people at the company who use inFlow daily.

inFlow’s streamlined and easy data entry plus the affordability for this relatively young company have won over her team and ensured they’ll never go back to the excel spreadsheets they used to contend with.

Thanks to everyone who took part and well done Vicki!