The first impression you make on customers may include the e-mail address that you use. An address like looks amateurish, whereas is much more professional. Here’s one way you can make the switch, typically for under $20 a year.
1. Pick and register your business domain name (the part of your e-mail address after the @ sign). If you have a common business name, it might be already taken, so you might have to get a little creative. Some sites that provide this service are and, or search for domain name registration in your country and check that your choice offers free e-mail forwarding (most do).
2. Sign up for a GMail account. Many other e-mail services will also work. It doesn’t matter too much what this address is, as your contacts usually won’t see it.
3. Set up e-mail to forward to your GMail account. You can usually do this from a control panel that you’ll be given access to after step 1. Instructions for GoDaddy
4. Set up GMail to make it look like you’re sending messages from your new business e-mail address. Set this as your default account.
That’s it! Now you can log into GMail and treat that as your business e-mail address, your contacts won’t be able to tell the difference.
JennyHow points out that with eBay’s new rule forbidding sellers from linking to their websites, using a branded e-mail address is one way to let buyers know about your site.
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Your blog has some great information for small businesses. Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge!
Thanks for this article, I will definitely try it out on my new domain I just bought.
Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome, Helen. Glad that you find it useful.
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Hi Selvin,
For more information on the services we’ve mentioned above I would suggest having a look at their various website and touching base with them about what they offer.
Thanks for getting in touch!
Hi There, could you be able to activate this account for my business
your urgent response will be much appreciated
could you please activate the above email address for my business
can I set up more than one email adress with the same domain. Like maybe and reason I ask is that I have to set up business email for 13 different members.
Yes, you can! Although each of them would have to have their own gmail account to forward to.
Another way is to set everything up using google apps for business: It’s $5 a month per user, but it’s the “proper” way to set it up. You could be an admin and give out accounts as needed.
Hope this helps!
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Keep up the remarkable work !! Lovin’ it!