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Knowledge Is Power: For You and Your Employees…

Posted by inFlow InventoryLast Updated April 25th, 2024
— 2 minutes reading

A potential client called in last week asking about whether or not we provide “Inventory Services”. A little confused I asked for more information and it turns out he was looking for someone to come into his company and organize his warehouse for him.

Upon a little further discussion we determined that we weren’t really the right fit because we specialize more in the software than advising on storage or layout techniques. That got me to thinking: shouldn’t we be trying to empower ourselves to help customers take charge of other aspects of their inventory?

For most of the companies we work with their inventory is a good chunk of their assets. The ability to maintain a steady flow of those assets is exactly what we and our customers are striving for.

Many of the customers we hear from have started their companies tracking inventory on excel spreadsheets or pieces of paper. We often hear from companies going through unexpected growth who are find their processes are becoming more complicated. Sometimes we get calls from brand new companies who are just getting started and want to research everything they can think of well before they need to worry about it.

I’m always impressed by these customers, the ones who are at their beginning stages and just desperately want to be sure they haven’t forgotten something. We’ve all been there and it’s inspiring to see someone else learning the ropes and pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. Starting a business is difficult work and ultimately it doesn’t matter whether you are doing your research beforehand or when you find that you need to implement a new solution, the key here is that you’re learning.

They do say knowledge is power…

Here’s some knowledge we think you’ll find powerful (and easy to digest):

Learning about inventory:
Inventory Accuracy: People, Processes, & Technology. by David J Piasecki

Learning good business practices:
Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies. by Jim Collins & Jerry I Porras

Learning the basics of accounting:
Your Guide to…Accounting for Small Business by Coles Notes

Learning about marketing:
Permission Marketing : Turning Strangers Into Friends And Friends Into Customers by Seth Godin

Learning about branding:
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding by Al Ries and Laura Ries

Let us know what sources you use for learning new process by commenting below!