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Product Images

How to add product images/pictures


To add an image

You can add pictures/images to an item to make it easier for you and your team to identify products at a glance (instead of having to read the description). You can only add one picture at a time, and only the first picture added will show up in both the product record itself and when selecting an item in a sales or purchase order.

  1. Open the product record.
  2. Click Add Image or the plus icon under a product image.
  3. Choose the picture you want to use and then click Open.
  4. Save your product.

Now that your image is added to the product, you can click on the magnifying glass on the top right of the image in the product record to see the photo enlarged.

inFlow Cloud for web has the option of adding multiple images to a product record, compared to inFlow Cloud for Windows, where only one image can be shown (this will be the first image on the product record).

Accepted sizes and formats

Pictures can be up to 20 MB in size and the following formats are supported: jpg/jpeg, png, and BMP.

Adding multiple images

To add additional images, click on the “+” icon next to the thumbnail-sized product image.

Setting a default image

The default image is what you’ll see when you select this product on other inFlow screens. If the default isn’t set, then the first image added to the product record will be the default image. See the steps below on how to change the default image.

  1. Click on a non-default image to magnify it.
  2. Select the ellipsis (3 dots) at the top right-hand corner of the image.
  3. Click on Make image default.

Sales order example

In a sales or purchase order, type in the item you are looking for, and before you press Enter, you can see some product details, including the picture.


To add an image

You can add pictures/images to an item to make it easier for you and your team to identify products at a glance (instead of having to read the description).

  1. Open the product record.
  2. Click Add Image.
  3. Choose the picture you want to use and then click Open.
  4. Save your product.

Now that your image is added to the product, you can click on the image to see the enlarged photo.

On inFlow Cloud for Windows, only one image can be displayed. Whereas inFlow Cloud for Web and Mobile can have multiple product images.

Accepted sizes and formats:

Pictures can be up to 20 MB in size and the following formats are supported: jpg/jpeg, png, and bmp.

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In this tab
  • To add an image
  • Adding multiple images
  • Setting a default image
  • Sales order example
  • To add an image
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