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  • Manufacturing
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Importing bundle products

How to import bundle products in bulk (manufacture settings)

If your team uses or sells bundle products, importing the manufacturing settings allows for quick conversion of regular products into bundles with imports.

The easiest way to create your import file is to export your existing product details. This feature is only available for products with a bill of materials. Learn more below. 

Please note: Importing manufacture settings is only available on inFlow for Web with the BOM + Manufacturing add-on.

Before getting started

  1. Make sure you import your product details into inFlow first
  2. Create or import the bill of materials for products to which you want to add manufacture settings.

Exporting product details CSV from inFlow

  1. Go to Main Menu>Export
  2. Select Product details from the Data type section. 
  3. Click Export to save the CSV file to your computer. 

Editing the product details CSV

  1. Open the product details CSV. 
  2. Scroll to the right to the end of the CSV and look for the CombineQuantityBuildable and AutoManufacture columns. 
  3. In CombineQuantityBuildable, enter TRUE if you want the buildable quantity to be included with this product’s available quantity.

    Enter FALSE if you don’t want inFlow to include the buildable quantity with this product’s available quantity.
  4. For the AutoManufacture column, enter TRUE if you want inFlow to build this product with a manufacture order automatically when added to a picked/fulfilled sales order. 

    enter FALSE if you don’t want inFlow to build this product with a manufacture order automatically when added to a picked/fulfilled sales order. 
  5. Save the file as a CSV to import to inFlow. 

In the above example, inFlow will include quantity buildable with quantity available. And inFlow will automatically create bundles with a manufacture order when on a sales order that is picked or fulfilled.

In the above example, inFlow won’t include quantity buildable with quantity available. And inFlow won’t create bundles when on a picked or fulfilled sales order. Bundled products will have to be made manually with a manufacture order.

Importing the CSV to inFlow 

  1. Go to Main Menu > Import data.
  2. In the Data type drop-down menu, select Product details. Click Select a file to upload your CSV to inFlow, then click Next.
  3. A preview of your product details will appear. If you would like to edit the way the fields are mapped from your spreadsheet, click Edit Data Mapping.
  4. Match the inFlow product name field (to the left) to the product name field in the drop-down menu. 
  5. Match the inFlow AutoManufacture and CombineQuantityBuildable fields to the matching fields in the drop-down menu. 
  6. Click Import. The import will run in the background, and you’ll be emailed the results when done. 
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In this tab
  • Before getting started
  • Exporting product details CSV from inFlow
  • Editing the product details CSV
  • Importing the CSV to inFlow
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