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Upgrade inFlow account

How to upgrade your inFlow plan

inFlow offers a few plans and feature add-ons to suit the needs of businesses of all sizes. If your business has outgrown your current plan, you can upgrade anytime.

inFlow plan add-ons

  1. Go to inFlow’s Account settings (Main Menu > Settings > Account.)
  2. Below the Billing Information, you’ll see your current plan. You can toggle between annual or monthly payments and select plan add-ons for your existing plan.
  3. Click Update to apply the changes.
  4. You’ll be redirected to the payment portal. Review the information, then click Proceed to Checkout.
  5. Review the Order Summary, then click Pay.

The inFlow billing portal allows credit card payments, and US customers can also pay using ACH debit.

Upgrade your inFlow plan

  1. Go to inFlow’s Account settings (Main Menu> Settings > Account.)
  2. Scroll down and select Explore other plans.
  3. Select if you’d like to pay annually or monthly, then click Subscribe Now on the plan you’d like to upgrade to.
  1. Review the plan details on the Your Order screen, then click Proceed to Checkout.
  2. On the Order Summary, click on Edit if you need to modify your account details or payment method.
  3. Click Subscribe when done.

Now you’re done! Your payment will be charged immediately, and you’ll have access to the features of your new plan. You’ll be billed at the new rate in the following month or year.

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  • inFlow plan add-ons
  • Upgrade your inFlow plan
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