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Dashboard and Reports

Why doesn’t the information on my dashboard match my reports?

Don’t panic! inFlow Inventory’s reports allow you to change settings like specific customers/products, date ranges, and inventory + payment statuses.

The Dashboard allows you to change the date range, but the parameters are always set. With this in mind, sometimes you’ll run into different numbers. This doesn’t mean your inventory/information is incorrect, as you should be able to generate reports using the dashboard parameters that will show you the information used to come to those totals.

The Dashboard’s parameters and the report you can generate are listed below.


  • Your time ranges should always match; for example, if you’re showing information for “Last Month” in the dashboard, you should always use the same “Last Month” setting on your reports.
  • The dashboard grouped by “Months” or “Weeks” will only show an average across the time range. You might want to switch to group by “Days” and it will match up with your reports.
Dashboard + Reports to runNotes

Dashboard shows: Purchase Orders

Run: Purchase Order Details report

PO Date:  match Dashboard setting
Payment Status: All
Inventory Status: All

Matching result is in the Subtotal column.

This information is taken from all Purchase Orders (except Cancelled orders), for any inventory and payment status.
Dashboard shows: Sales Orders

Run: Sales Order Summary report

Order Date: match Dashboard setting
Payment Status: All
Inventory Status: All

Matching result is in the Subtotal column.

This information is taken from all Sales Orders (except Cancelled) for any inventory and payment status.

Make sure the setting is Order Date and not Invoiced Date.

Dashboard shows: Sales Completed

Run: Sales Order Profit report

Invoiced Date: match Dashboard setting
Inventory Status: Started, Fulfilled
Payment Status: Uninvoiced, Invoiced, Paid, Partial, Owing

Matching result is in the Sales Amount column.

inFlow counts a sale as “completed” if all the items on the order have left your inventory (Fulfilled status). It will go by the Order Date if the order has not been invoiced, or by Invoice Date if the order has been invoiced.

If this isn’t what you’d like to see (for example if you only want to see all fulfilled and paid orders) then please run the sales report with the statuses you want and ignore the dashboard figure.

Dashboard shows: Sales Profit

Run: Sales Order Profit Report

Invoiced Date: match Dashboard setting
Inventory Status: Fulfilled
Payment Status: All

Matching result is in the Gross Profit column.

Result also calculated using Sales Completed minus Cost of Goods Sold.

inFlow calculates your profit at the time of the sale. When you click the Fulfill button in inFlow, it looks at the cost info in the product record to calculate your profit (sales – cost).

It’s important to make sure your items have cost in them before starting any sales orders, so if you’re seeing hundred percent profit where it shouldn’t be, please see this article for troubleshooting.


Dashboard shows: Cost of Goods Sold

Run: Sales Order Profit Report

Invoiced Date: match Dashboard setting
Inventory status: Fulfilled
Click the More button beside Generate Report, then click on the display columns to show the Cost of Goods Sold column.

Matching result is in the Cost of Goods Sold column.

– or –

Run: Sales by Product Summary report

Invoiced Date: match Dashboard setting
Inventory status: Fulfilled

Matching result is in the Cost of Goods Sold column.

If you’re not seeing any cost of goods sold at all on your sales, please see here for how to correct this.

Cost of Goods Sold on the dashboard does not include non-customer costs that are on a sales order.

Dashboard shows: Cost Value of Inventory, Ending

Set Dashboard to group by days.

For current inventory, run Inventory Summary or Inventory Details report.

Matching result is in the Total Cost Value column.

For historical inventory, run Historical Inventory Report.

This shows you the cost value of your inventory. Please note: the dashboard includes deactivated items that are still in stock, whereas the report will not include any deactivated items.

Dashboard shows: Vendor Payments Due

There is no report for this currently.

The closest report you can try is a Purchase Order Summary report, Payment status set to “Unpaid, Partial, and Owing”, however the report will include payments that aren’t due yet.

This information is taken directly from any unpaid, partial, or owing purchase orders that are at or over the due date. This is how much you still need to pay your vendors. There currently isn’t a report you can pull for this number, as the vendor payment report only shows payments already made.




Dashboard shows: Customer Payments Due

There is no report for this currently.

In the Sales Order List, change one of the search filters to show “Due Date”. Set the Due Date to match your Dashboard setting.

Set the Payment Status to “Invoiced” and “Partial”.

The total balance should add up to the dashboard’s numbers.

This shows you a total of all payments still needed to be paid by your customers within the time range matching your dashboard (for example, if you set it to “Last Month”, it’ll show you all payments that were due last month and still not paid currently).



Dashboard shows: Cash In

Run: Customer Payment Details

Payment Type: Payment and Batch Payment
Payment Date: match Dashboard setting


Run: Vendor Payment Details

Payment Type: Refund
Payment Date: match Dashboard setting

The two figures total-ed together should equal the figure shown on the dashboard for “Cash In”.

Cash In can come from two places: customer payments and vendor refunds. Therefore you’ll need to run the two reports together.

Dashboard shows: Cash Out

Run: Customer Payment Details
Payment Type: Refund to Customer
Payment Date: match Dashboard setting


Run: Vendor Payment Details
Payment Type: Payment and Batch Payment
Payment Date: match Dashboard setting


Run: Sales Order Profit Report
Invoiced Date: match Dashboard setting

Click the “More” button to show the display column for “Non-Customer Costs”.

In total, all three figures should give you the Cash Out number.

Similar to Cash In, this number can be obtained by adding together multiple reports. Cash Out covers: vendor payments, customer refunds, and any non-customer costs (these are costs you pay on behalf of your customer, for example shipping costs from providing ‘free shipping’)


Dashboard shows: Net Cashflow

No reports to run.

There isn’t a report for this, it’s just Cash In minus Cash Out.
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